Vale of Belvoir

Pub of the Year

Like all CAMRA branches, every year we award a Pub of the Year. This is the first step in the process that eventually crowns the National Pub of the Year champion. As our branch area falls across two counties, we form shortlists for both Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire, and judge them according to the criteria used for the National POTY competition.


October branch meeting: members are encouraged to bring suggestions for shortlisting to the next meeting.

November branch meeting: all proposed pubs are considered and shortlists are drawn up, with a maximum of three pubs from each of our Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire areas. The judging period begins, as all pubs are visited and evaluated using the forms and guidelines below. All members are encouraged to participate in judging.

31 January: judging period closes. Scores are analysed and the top-scoring pub from each area is awarded Branch Leicestershire/Nottinghamshire Pub of the Year, with the higher of the two also receiving the overall Branch Pub of the Year award.

The pubs are then notified, certificates are ordered and presentations are arranged. The Regional Director is also informed, and the pubs go forward to their respective County Pub of the Year competition.


POTY Judging Form (Word)

POTY Judging Guidance (PDF)

Volunteer Expenses Claim Form (Excel)